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array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer

Source file

File: /mnt/data/accounts/t/teguzacz/data/www/teguza.cz/php-include/Teguza/Category.php   Line: 23

Line 16:        public $Name = array();
Line 17:        
Line 18:        public $IsVisible true;
Line 19:        
Line 20:        public $UpdatedTimestamp;
Line 21:        
Line 22:        public static function getInstance($CategoryID) {
Line 23:            if (array_key_exists($CategoryID, self::$_instances))
Line 24:                return self::$_instances[$CategoryID];
Line 25:            
Line 26:            $instance = new self($CategoryID);
Line 27:            self::$_instances[$CategoryID] = $instance;
Line 28:            return $instance;
Line 29:        }
Line 30:        

Call stack

  1. <PHP inner-code> Debug:: _errorHandler (arguments )

  2. Teguza/Category.php (23) source   array_key_exists (arguments )

  3. c-Nette.Template/_9e315c0600ef75babde614a5c1450202.default.phtml.php (56) source   Category:: getInstance (arguments )

  4. Filters/LatteMacros.php (799) source   _cbb372d4aa416_content (arguments )

  5. c-Nette.Template/_b4ba7d0f7fa617ec71c31c13c3580a3a.%40layout.phtml.php (132) source   LatteMacros:: callBlock (arguments )

  6. Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source   include (arguments )

  7. Templates/Template.php (123) source   LimitedScope:: load (arguments )

  8. c-Nette.Template/_9b6a8cfe4c3a0ace0fe73f9d0023e4f8.%40layout.phtml.php (122) source   Template-> render ()

  9. Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source   include (arguments )

  10. Templates/Template.php (123) source   LimitedScope:: load (arguments )

  11. c-Nette.Template/_9e315c0600ef75babde614a5c1450202.default.phtml.php (178) source   Template-> render ()

  12. Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source   include (arguments )

  13. Templates/Template.php (123) source   LimitedScope:: load (arguments )

  14. Responses/RenderResponse.php (55) source   Template-> render ()

  15. Application/Application.php (147) source   RenderResponse-> send ()

  16. My/Application.php (22) source   Application-> run ()

  17. php-include/bootstrap.php (150) source   My_Application-> run ()

  18. teguza.cz/index.php (26) source   require_once (arguments )


Nette Application


HTTP request

HTTP response