Kolečko pro sekačku
array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer
Source file ▼
File: /home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/Teguza/Category.php Line: 23
Line 16: public $Name = array();
Line 17:
Line 18: public $IsVisible = true;
Line 19:
Line 20: public $UpdatedTimestamp;
Line 21:
Line 22: public static function getInstance($CategoryID) {
Line 23: if (array_key_exists($CategoryID, self::$_instances))
Line 24: return self::$_instances[$CategoryID];
Line 25:
Line 26: $instance = new self($CategoryID);
Line 27: self::$_instances[$CategoryID] = $instance;
Line 28: return $instance;
Line 29: }
Line 30:
Call stack ▼
<PHP inner-code> Debug:: _errorHandler (arguments ►)
$severity int(2)
$message string(146) "array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer"
$file string(91) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/Teguza/Category.php"
$line int(23)
$context array(1) ▼
{ "CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) }
Teguza/Category.php (23) source ► array_key_exists (arguments ►)
$key bool(FALSE)
$search array(0)
Line 16: public $Name = array(); Line 17: Line 18: public $IsVisible = true; Line 19: Line 20: public $UpdatedTimestamp; Line 21: Line 22: public static function getInstance($CategoryID) { Line 23: if (array_key_exists($CategoryID, self::$_instances)) Line 24: return self::$_instances[$CategoryID]; Line 25: Line 26: $instance = new self($CategoryID); Line 27: self::$_instances[$CategoryID] = $instance; Line 28: return $instance; Line 29: } Line 30:
c-Nette.Template/_8af2b3f613d38ff77ec2197d6d0d5d12.default.phtml.php (56) source ► Category:: getInstance (arguments ►)
$CategoryID bool(FALSE)
Line 49: <?php endif ?> Line 50: Line 51: <div style="height: 230px; overflow: visible; /* clearing floats */"> Line 52: <div class="cb" style="width: 295px; float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 -3px; padding-bottom: 1em;"><div class="bt"><div></div></div><div class="i1"><div class="i2"><div class="i3"> Line 53: <?php if ($Product->HasPhoto): ?> Line 54: <a href="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($control->link(":Front:Web:GetPhoto", array('id' => $Product->CatalogNumber, 'x' => $photo_size_large_x))) ?>" title="Zobrazit velkou fotografii výrobku <?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($Product->Name[$LanguageID]) ?>" target="_blank" class="link-big-picture" rel="lightbox"> Line 55: <span class="magnifier">Zobrazit větší obrázek</span> Line 56: <img src="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($control->link(":Front:Web:GetPhoto", array('id' => $Product->CatalogNumber, 'x' => $photo_size_medium_x))) ?>" alt="Výrobek <?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($Product->Name[$LanguageID]) ?> (<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml(Category::getInstance($current_CategoryID)->Name[$LanguageID]) ?>)" style="display: block; width: 285px; height: 215px;" itemprop="image" /> Line 57: <?php if ($Product->HasDiscount): ?><span class="discount-sticker">Výrobek v akci!</span><?php endif ?> Line 58: Line 59: </a> Line 60: </a> Line 61: <?php else: ?> Line 62: <span style="display: block; width: 285px; height: 215px; background-color: #F2F2F2;"></span> Line 63: <?php endif ?>
Filters/LatteMacros.php (799) source ► _cbb41c8220002_content (arguments ►)
#0 array(43) ►
{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►
{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ 0 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) ►{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "1" "Name" => string(19) "Aktuální nabídka" }
1 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "2" "Name" => string(16) "Bezdušová kola" }
2 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "3" "Name" => string(22) "Těsnění, průchodky" }
3 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "4" "Name" => string(9) "Auto-moto" }
4 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "5" "Name" => string(5) "Hobby" }
5 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "6" "Name" => string(10) "Domácnost" }
6 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "7" "Name" => string(9) "Výprodej" }
}{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) ▼
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) ►{ 1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Description" => array(3) ▼{ 1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼{ "critical" => object(MySet) (3) { ... } "error" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "warning" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "notice" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "info" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } }
}{ "file" private => string(115) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/../@layout.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼
"_cb" => object(stdClass) (4) ▼{ 0 => array(2) { ... } }
"params" private => array(35) ►{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) { ... } "current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) { ... } "highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) { *RECURSION* } "content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }
"filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) ►{ "escape" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "striptags" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "substr" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "repeat" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "implode" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "number" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼{ 0 => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
}{ "blocks" => array(6) ▼
"content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" "title" => string(0) "" "title_caption" => string(0) "" "description" => string(0) "" "title_itemprop" => string(0) "" "googleAnalyticsAccount" => string(13) "UA-12826894-1" "googleWebmasterToolsVerificationCode" => string(43) "FQVm2t75cLrOxDMkgB-TK83G0wsihepKWev1lznO53c" "toplistID" => string(7) "1115923" }{ "title" => array(3) { ... } "header" => array(2) { ... } "content" => array(1) { ... } "header_before" => array(2) { ... } "pageheader" => array(2) { ... } "aside" => array(2) { ... } }
"templates" => array(3) ▼{ "80f960daa0" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "c9f975ef68" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "dc920f4f73" => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"extends" => bool(FALSE) "its" => array(0) }Line 792: */ Line 793: public static function callBlock(& $blocks, $name, $params) Line 794: { Line 795: if (empty($blocks[$name])) { Line 796: throw new InvalidStateException("Call to undefined block '$name'."); Line 797: } Line 798: $block = reset($blocks[$name]); Line 799: $block($params); Line 800: } Line 801: Line 802: Line 803: Line 804: /** Line 805: * Calls parent block. Line 806: * @param array
c-Nette.Template/_85e08d552695778b7d66cba272eb28b8.%40layout.phtml.php (132) source ► LatteMacros:: callBlock (arguments ►)
$blocks array(6) ▼
{ "title" => array(3) ▼
{ 0 => string(20) "_cbb0713df34d3_title" 1 => string(20) "_cbb2a5eb04c7b_title" 2 => string(20) "_cbbd595f5ac7c_title" }
"header" => array(2) ▼{ 0 => string(21) "_cbb66cbe8e0b7_header" 1 => string(21) "_cbb8f34611ccb_header" }
"content" => array(1) ▼{ 0 => string(22) "_cbb41c8220002_content" }
"header_before" => array(2) ▼{ 0 => string(28) "_cbbe1d159f5ff_header_before" 1 => string(28) "_cbbc1d2d67ae5_header_before" }
"pageheader" => array(2) ▼{ 0 => string(25) "_cbb7d84f47782_pageheader" 1 => string(25) "_cbb5f47373467_pageheader" }
"aside" => array(2) ▼{ 0 => string(20) "_cbb3b0eb14fc6_aside" 1 => string(20) "_cbb5789b030fa_aside" }
}$name string(7) "content"
$params array(43) ►
{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►
{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ 0 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) ►{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "1" "Name" => string(19) "Aktuální nabídka" }
1 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "2" "Name" => string(16) "Bezdušová kola" }
2 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "3" "Name" => string(22) "Těsnění, průchodky" }
3 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "4" "Name" => string(9) "Auto-moto" }
4 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "5" "Name" => string(5) "Hobby" }
5 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "6" "Name" => string(10) "Domácnost" }
6 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "7" "Name" => string(9) "Výprodej" }
}{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) ▼
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) ►{ 1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Description" => array(3) ▼{ 1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼{ "critical" => object(MySet) (3) { ... } "error" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "warning" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "notice" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "info" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } }
}{ "file" private => string(115) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/../@layout.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼
"_cb" => object(stdClass) (4) ▼{ 0 => array(2) { ... } }
"params" private => array(35) ►{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) { ... } "current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) { ... } "highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) { *RECURSION* } "content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }
"filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) ►{ "escape" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "striptags" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "substr" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "repeat" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "implode" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "number" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼{ 0 => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
}{ "blocks" => array(6) ▼
"content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" "title" => string(0) "" "title_caption" => string(0) "" "description" => string(0) "" "title_itemprop" => string(0) "" "googleAnalyticsAccount" => string(13) "UA-12826894-1" "googleWebmasterToolsVerificationCode" => string(43) "FQVm2t75cLrOxDMkgB-TK83G0wsihepKWev1lznO53c" "toplistID" => string(7) "1115923" }{ "title" => array(3) { ... } "header" => array(2) { ... } "content" => array(1) { ... } "header_before" => array(2) { ... } "pageheader" => array(2) { ... } "aside" => array(2) { ... } }
"templates" => array(3) ▼{ "80f960daa0" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "c9f975ef68" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "dc920f4f73" => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"extends" => bool(FALSE) "its" => array(0) }Line 125: Line 126: <div id="container-article"> Line 127: <?php if (!$_cb->extends) { call_user_func(reset($_cb->blocks['aside']), get_defined_vars()); } ?> Line 128: Line 129: <div id="article"<?php if ($content_itemtype): ?> itemscope itemtype="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($content_itemtype) ?>"<?php endif ?>> Line 130: <?php if ($title_caption || $title): ?><h2<?php if ($title_itemprop): ?> itemprop="<?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($title_itemprop) ?>"<?php endif ?>"><?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($title_caption ? $title_caption : $title) ?></h2><?php endif ?> Line 131: Line 132: <?php LatteMacros::callBlock($_cb->blocks, 'content', get_defined_vars()) ?> Line 133: </div> Line 134: </div> Line 135: Line 136: <div id="footer"> Line 137: <span class="copyright"> Line 138: © <?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($copyrightStartYear) ;if ($copyrightStartYear != $copyrightEndYear): ?> – <?php echo TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml($copyrightEndYear) ;endif ?> Line 139:
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 string(146) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_85e08d552695778b7d66cba272eb28b8.%40layout.phtml.php"
Line 59: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/) Line 60: { Line 61: if (func_num_args() > 1) { Line 62: extract(func_get_arg(1)); Line 63: Line 64: Line 65: } Line 66: return include func_get_arg(0); Line 67: } Line 68: Line 69: }
Templates/Template.php (123) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 string(146) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_85e08d552695778b7d66cba272eb28b8.%40layout.phtml.php"
#1 array(36) ►
{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►
{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ 0 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) ►{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "1" "Name" => string(19) "Aktuální nabídka" }
1 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "2" "Name" => string(16) "Bezdušová kola" }
2 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "3" "Name" => string(22) "Těsnění, průchodky" }
3 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "4" "Name" => string(9) "Auto-moto" }
4 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "5" "Name" => string(5) "Hobby" }
5 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "6" "Name" => string(10) "Domácnost" }
6 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "7" "Name" => string(9) "Výprodej" }
}{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) ▼
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) ►{ 1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Description" => array(3) ▼{ 1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼{ "critical" => object(MySet) (3) { ... } "error" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "warning" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "notice" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "info" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } }
}{ "file" private => string(115) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/../@layout.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼
"_cb" => object(stdClass) (3) ▼{ 0 => array(2) { ... } }
"params" private => array(35) ►{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) { ... } "current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) { ... } "highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) { *RECURSION* } "content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }
"filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) ►{ "escape" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "striptags" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "substr" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "repeat" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "implode" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "number" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼{ 0 => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
}{ "blocks" => array(6) ▼
"content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }{ "title" => array(3) { ... } "header" => array(2) { ... } "content" => array(1) { ... } "header_before" => array(2) { ... } "pageheader" => array(2) { ... } "aside" => array(2) { ... } }
"templates" => array(3) ▼{ "80f960daa0" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "c9f975ef68" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "dc920f4f73" => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"extends" => string(16) "../@layout.phtml" }Line 116: Cache::EXPIRE => self::$cacheExpire, Line 117: ) Line 118: ); Line 119: $cached = $cache[$key]; Line 120: } Line 121: Line 122: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) { Line 123: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams()); Line 124: fclose($cached['handle']); Line 125: Line 126: } else { Line 127: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams()); Line 128: } Line 129: } Line 130:
c-Nette.Template/_c3249383eba29a3b10872842324b9cbf.%40layout.phtml.php (122) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 115: Line 116: Line 117: Line 118: Line 119: <?php Line 120: } Line 121: Line 122: if ($_cb->extends) { ob_end_clean(); LatteMacros::includeTemplate($_cb->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render(); } Line 123:
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 string(146) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_c3249383eba29a3b10872842324b9cbf.%40layout.phtml.php"
Line 59: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/) Line 60: { Line 61: if (func_num_args() > 1) { Line 62: extract(func_get_arg(1)); Line 63: Line 64: Line 65: } Line 66: return include func_get_arg(0); Line 67: } Line 68: Line 69: }
Templates/Template.php (123) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 string(146) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_c3249383eba29a3b10872842324b9cbf.%40layout.phtml.php"
#1 array(36) ►
{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►
{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ 0 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) ►{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "1" "Name" => string(19) "Aktuální nabídka" }
1 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "2" "Name" => string(16) "Bezdušová kola" }
2 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "3" "Name" => string(22) "Těsnění, průchodky" }
3 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "4" "Name" => string(9) "Auto-moto" }
4 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "5" "Name" => string(5) "Hobby" }
5 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "6" "Name" => string(10) "Domácnost" }
6 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "7" "Name" => string(9) "Výprodej" }
}{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) ▼
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) ►{ 1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Description" => array(3) ▼{ 1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼{ "critical" => object(MySet) (3) { ... } "error" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "warning" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "notice" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "info" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } }
}{ "file" private => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼
"_cb" => object(stdClass) (3) ▼{ 0 => array(2) { ... } }
"params" private => array(35) ►{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) { ... } "current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) { ... } "highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) { *RECURSION* } "content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }
"filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) ►{ "escape" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "striptags" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "substr" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "repeat" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "implode" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "number" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼{ 0 => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
}{ "templates" => array(3) ▼
"content_itemtype" => string(25) "http://schema.org/Product" }{ "80f960daa0" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "c9f975ef68" => object(Template) (7) { ... } "dc920f4f73" => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"extends" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "blocks" => array(6) ▼{ "title" => array(3) { ... } "header" => array(2) { ... } "content" => array(1) { ... } "header_before" => array(2) { ... } "pageheader" => array(2) { ... } "aside" => array(2) { ... } }
}Line 116: Cache::EXPIRE => self::$cacheExpire, Line 117: ) Line 118: ); Line 119: $cached = $cache[$key]; Line 120: } Line 121: Line 122: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) { Line 123: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams()); Line 124: fclose($cached['handle']); Line 125: Line 126: } else { Line 127: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams()); Line 128: } Line 129: } Line 130:
c-Nette.Template/_8af2b3f613d38ff77ec2197d6d0d5d12.default.phtml.php (178) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 171: Line 172: Line 173: <?php if (!$_cb->extends) { call_user_func(reset($_cb->blocks['header']), get_defined_vars()); } ?> Line 174: Line 175: <?php if (!$_cb->extends) { call_user_func(reset($_cb->blocks['content']), get_defined_vars()); } Line 176: } Line 177: Line 178: if ($_cb->extends) { ob_end_clean(); LatteMacros::includeTemplate($_cb->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render(); } Line 179:
Loaders/LimitedScope.php (66) source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 string(144) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_8af2b3f613d38ff77ec2197d6d0d5d12.default.phtml.php"
Line 59: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/) Line 60: { Line 61: if (func_num_args() > 1) { Line 62: extract(func_get_arg(1)); Line 63: Line 64: Line 65: } Line 66: return include func_get_arg(0); Line 67: } Line 68: Line 69: }
Templates/Template.php (123) source ► LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 string(144) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/tmp/c-Nette.Template/_8af2b3f613d38ff77ec2197d6d0d5d12.default.phtml.php"
#1 array(35) ►
{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►
{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ "_ProductID" private => int(161) "_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ►
"baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) ►{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) { ... } "Description" => array(3) { ... } "Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) { ... } }
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1) "oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE) "onShutdown" => NULL "oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE) "request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(3) "GET" "flags" private => array(1) { ... } "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "params" private => array(2) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(TRUE) }
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼{ "source" private => object(Template) (7) { ... } }
"phase" private => int(5) "autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE) "absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE) "globalParams" private => array(0) "globalState" private => array(0) "globalStateSinces" private => array(0) "action" private => string(7) "default" "view" private => string(7) "default" "layout" private => NULL "payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {} "signalReceiver" private => string(0) "" "signal" private => NULL "ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE) "startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE) "lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ►{ "method" private => string(7) "FORWARD" "flags" private => array(0) "name" private => string(9) "Front:Web" "params" private => array(3) { ... } "post" private => array(0) "files" private => array(0) "frozen" private => bool(FALSE) }
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼{ "current" => bool(FALSE) }
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ►{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) { ... } "params" private => array(34) { ... } "filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) { ... } "helperLoaders" private => array(1) { ... } }
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0) "params" protected => array(2) ▼{ "id" => string(3) "161" "action" => string(7) "default" }
"components" private => array(0) "cloning" private => NULL "parent" private => NULL "name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product" "monitors" private => array(1) ▼{ "Presenter" => array(4) { ... } }
}{ 0 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) ►{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "1" "Name" => string(19) "Aktuální nabídka" }
1 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "2" "Name" => string(16) "Bezdušová kola" }
2 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "3" "Name" => string(22) "Těsnění, průchodky" }
3 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "4" "Name" => string(9) "Auto-moto" }
4 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "5" "Name" => string(5) "Hobby" }
5 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "6" "Name" => string(10) "Domácnost" }
6 => object(DibiRow) (2) ▼{ "CategoryID" => string(1) "7" "Name" => string(9) "Výprodej" }
}{ "ProductID" => string(3) "161" "CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294" "CategoryID" => array(0) "Name" => array(3) ▼
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "_extends" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) ►{ 1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Description" => array(3) ▼{ 1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady" 2 => string(0) "" 3 => string(0) "" }
"Barcode" => string(0) "" "TaxRateID" => string(1) "2" "UnitID" => string(1) "1" "CurrencyID" => string(1) "1" "WarehousePrice" => float(0) "WarehousePriceVat" => float(0) "RetailPrice" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceVat" => float(29) "RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97) "RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29) "WholesalePrice" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceVat" => float(22) "WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18) "WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22) "Weight" => string(4) "450g" "Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm" "IsVisible" => bool(TRUE) "IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE) "HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE) "Note" => string(0) "" "HasPhoto" => string(1) "1" "UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958) "_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼{ "critical" => object(MySet) (3) { ... } "error" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "warning" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "notice" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } "info" => object(MySet) (2) { ... } }
}{ "file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml" "warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE) "onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼
}{ 0 => array(2) { ... } }
"params" private => array(34) ►{ "component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) { ... } "baseUri" => string(1) "/" "basePath" => string(0) "" "flashes" => array(0) "isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE) "copyrightStartYear" => int(2010) "copyrightEndYear" => int(2025) "isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0) "isUserAgentIE" => int(0) "lang" => string(2) "cs" "css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/" "js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/" "LanguageID" => int(1) "action" => string(7) "product" "design" => string(4) "main" "module" => string(5) "eshop" "menu_categories" => array(7) { ... } "current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE) "isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE) "userIdentity" => NULL "cart_PriceVat" => int(0) "cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0) "cart_count" => int(0) "cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "Product" => object(Product) (28) { ... } "highlightVat" => bool(FALSE) "next_product" => NULL "previous_product" => NULL "photo_size_medium_x" => int(285) "photo_size_large_x" => int(800) "layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml" "template" => object(Template) (7) { *RECURSION* } }
"filters" private => array(0) "helpers" private => array(8) ►{ "escape" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "striptags" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "substr" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "repeat" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "implode" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } "number" => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼{ 0 => object(Callback) (1) { ... } }
}Line 116: Cache::EXPIRE => self::$cacheExpire, Line 117: ) Line 118: ); Line 119: $cached = $cache[$key]; Line 120: } Line 121: Line 122: if ($cached !== NULL && self::$cacheStorage instanceof TemplateCacheStorage) { Line 123: LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParams()); Line 124: fclose($cached['handle']); Line 125: Line 126: } else { Line 127: LimitedScope::evaluate($content, $this->getParams()); Line 128: } Line 129: } Line 130:
Responses/RenderResponse.php (55) source ► Template-> render ()
Line 48: /** Line 49: * Sends response to output. Line 50: * @return void Line 51: */ Line 52: public function send() Line 53: { Line 54: if ($this->source instanceof ITemplate) { Line 55: $this->source->render(); Line 56: Line 57: } else { Line 58: echo $this->source; Line 59: } Line 60: } Line 61: Line 62: }
Application/Application.php (147) source ► RenderResponse-> send ()
Line 140: Line 141: // Send response Line 142: if ($response instanceof ForwardingResponse) { Line 143: $request = $response->getRequest(); Line 144: continue; Line 145: Line 146: } elseif ($response instanceof IPresenterResponse) { Line 147: $response->send(); Line 148: } Line 149: break; Line 150: Line 151: } catch (Exception $e) { Line 152: // fault barrier Line 153: if ($this->catchExceptions === NULL) { Line 154: $this->catchExceptions = Environment::isProduction();
My/Application.php (22) source ► Application-> run ()
Line 15: Line 16: public function run() { Line 17: Line 18: $this->onRequest[] = array($this, 'fireBeforeRequest'); Line 19: Line 20: $this->getHttpResponse()->setContentType('text/html', Environment::getVariable('encoding')); Line 21: Line 22: parent::run(); Line 23: } Line 24: Line 25: public function fireBeforeRequest() { Line 26: // mk 2010-02-04 23:43:40: Zbavme se hlavičky "Powered-by: Nette" Line 27: $this->getHttpResponse()->setHeader('X-Powered-By', ''); Line 28: } Line 29:
php-include/bootstrap.php (150) source ► My_Application-> run ()
Line 143: //require 'E:/WWW/libraries/nette-php52/trunk/tools/RoutingDebugger/RoutingDebugger.php'; Line 144: //RoutingDebugger::enable(); //die(); Line 145: Line 146: /** Line 147: * Run! Line 148: */ Line 149: $application = Environment::getApplication(); Line 150: $application->run(); Line 151:
teguza.cz/index.php (26) source ► require_once (arguments ►)
#0 string(85) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/bootstrap.php"
Line 19: Line 20: /** Line 21: * Absolutní adresářová cesta ke složce s knihovnami Line 22: */ Line 23: define('LIBS_DIR', WWW_DIR .'/php-include'); Line 24: Line 25: // Načtěme bootstrap Line 26: require_once(APP_DIR.'/bootstrap.php'); Line 27:
Variables ►
$CategoryID | bool(FALSE)
Nette Application ►
array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(FALSE)
"name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product"
"params" private => array(2) ▼ {
"id" => string(3) "161"
"action" => string(7) "default"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) ► {
"_ProductID" private => int(161)
"_Product" private => object(Product) (28) ► {
"ProductID" => string(3) "161"
"CatalogNumber" => string(9) "513515294"
"CategoryID" => array(0)
"Name" => array(3) ▼ {
1 => string(21) "Kolečko pro sekačku"
2 => string(0) ""
3 => string(0) ""
"Description" => array(3) ▼ {
1 => string(27) "II.jakost, kosmetické vady"
2 => string(0) ""
3 => string(0) ""
"Barcode" => string(0) ""
"TaxRateID" => string(1) "2"
"UnitID" => string(1) "1"
"CurrencyID" => string(1) "1"
"WarehousePrice" => float(0)
"WarehousePriceVat" => float(0)
"RetailPrice" => float(23.97)
"RetailPriceVat" => float(29)
"RetailPriceOriginal" => float(23.97)
"RetailPriceOriginalVat" => float(29)
"WholesalePrice" => float(18.18)
"WholesalePriceVat" => float(22)
"WholesalePriceOriginal" => float(18.18)
"WholesalePriceOriginalVat" => float(22)
"Weight" => string(4) "450g"
"Size" => string(99) "celopryžové kolečko, plastový střed na hřídel 8 mm, vnější průměr 100 mm, šíře 66 mm"
"IsVisible" => bool(TRUE)
"IsEditingVatPrice" => bool(TRUE)
"HasDiscount" => bool(FALSE)
"Note" => string(0) ""
"HasPhoto" => string(1) "1"
"UpdatedTimestamp" => int(1605108958)
"_messages" private => object(Messages) (5) ▼ {
"critical" => object(MySet) (3) {
"error" => object(MySet) (2) {
"warning" => object(MySet) (2) {
"notice" => object(MySet) (2) {
"info" => object(MySet) (2) {
"_LanguageID" protected => int(1)
"oldLayoutMode" => bool(FALSE)
"onShutdown" => NULL
"oldModuleMode" => bool(TRUE)
"request" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(3) "GET"
"flags" private => array(1) ▼ {
"secured" => bool(FALSE)
"name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product"
"params" private => array(2) ▼ {
"id" => string(3) "161"
"action" => string(7) "default"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(TRUE)
"response" private => object(RenderResponse) (1) ▼ {
"source" private => object(Template) (7) ► {
"file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml"
"warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE)
"onPrepareFilters" => array(1) {
"params" private => array(34) {
"filters" private => array(0)
"helpers" private => array(8) {
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) {
"phase" private => int(5)
"autoCanonicalize" => bool(TRUE)
"absoluteUrls" => bool(FALSE)
"globalParams" private => array(0)
"globalState" private => array(0)
"globalStateSinces" private => array(0)
"action" private => string(7) "default"
"view" private => string(7) "default"
"layout" private => NULL
"payload" private => object(stdClass) (0) {}
"signalReceiver" private => string(0) ""
"signal" private => NULL
"ajaxMode" private => bool(FALSE)
"startupCheck" private => bool(TRUE)
"lastCreatedRequest" private => object(PresenterRequest) (7) ► {
"method" private => string(7) "FORWARD"
"flags" private => array(0)
"name" private => string(9) "Front:Web"
"params" private => array(3) ▼ {
"id" => string(9) "513515294"
"x" => int(285)
"action" => string(8) "GetPhoto"
"post" private => array(0)
"files" private => array(0)
"frozen" private => bool(FALSE)
"lastCreatedRequestFlag" private => array(1) ▼ {
"current" => bool(FALSE)
"template" private => object(Template) (7) ► {
"file" private => string(120) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/Product/default.phtml"
"warnOnUndefined" => bool(TRUE)
"onPrepareFilters" => array(1) ▼ {
0 => array(2) {
"params" private => array(34) ► {
"component" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) {
"control" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) {
"presenter" => object(FrontEShop_ProductPresenter) (32) {
"baseUri" => string(1) "/"
"basePath" => string(0) ""
"flashes" => array(0)
"isProductionMode" => bool(TRUE)
"copyrightStartYear" => int(2010)
"copyrightEndYear" => int(2025)
"isUserAgentGoogleSiteVerification" => int(0)
"isUserAgentIE" => int(0)
"lang" => string(2) "cs"
"css_bucket_main" => string(28) "/static/css/main/1446079082/"
"js_bucket_main" => string(27) "/static/js/main/1446079094/"
"LanguageID" => int(1)
"action" => string(7) "product"
"design" => string(4) "main"
"module" => string(5) "eshop"
"menu_categories" => array(7) {
"current_CategoryID" => bool(FALSE)
"isAuthenticated" => bool(FALSE)
"userIdentity" => NULL
"cart_PriceVat" => int(0)
"cart_PriceNoVat" => int(0)
"cart_count" => int(0)
"cart_highlightVat" => bool(FALSE)
"Product" => object(Product) (28) {
"highlightVat" => bool(FALSE)
"next_product" => NULL
"previous_product" => NULL
"photo_size_medium_x" => int(285)
"photo_size_large_x" => int(800)
"layout" => string(112) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include/templates/FrontEShopModule/@layout.phtml"
"template" => object(Template) (7) {
"filters" private => array(0)
"helpers" private => array(8) ► {
"escape" => object(Callback) (1) {
"escapeurl" => object(Callback) (1) {
"striptags" => object(Callback) (1) {
"nl2br" => object(Callback) (1) {
"substr" => object(Callback) (1) {
"repeat" => object(Callback) (1) {
"implode" => object(Callback) (1) {
"number" => object(Callback) (1) {
"helperLoaders" private => array(1) ▼ {
0 => object(Callback) (1) {
"invalidSnippets" private => array(0)
"params" protected => array(2) ▼ {
"id" => string(3) "161"
"action" => string(7) "default"
"components" private => array(0)
"cloning" private => NULL
"parent" private => NULL
"name" private => string(18) "FrontEShop:Product"
"monitors" private => array(1) ▼ {
"Presenter" => array(4) ▼ {
0 => NULL
1 => NULL
2 => NULL
3 => bool(TRUE)
Environment ►
Constants ▼
WWW_DIR | string(59) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz"
APP_DIR | string(71) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include"
LIBS_DIR | string(71) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/php-include"
APP_NAME | string(6) "Teguza"
CACHE_APP_PREFIX | string(6) "Teguza"
PRODUCT_PHOTO_DIR | string(81) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/static/photos/product"
PRODUCT_NEW_PHOTO_DIR_PART | string(22) "admin-tools/photos-new"
PRODUCT_NEW_PHOTO_DIR | string(82) "/home/html/teguzacz.savana-hosting.cz/public_html/teguza.cz/admin-tools/photos-new"
Included files ►(135)
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HTTP request ►
HTTP response ►
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- Report generated at 2025/01/24 03:19:44
- http://www.teguza.cz/e-shop/p161-kolecko-pro-sekacku-513515294/
- PHP 5.3.29
- Apache
- Nette Framework 0.9.3 (revision 2ce0ca6 released on 2010-02-02)
- Number of SQL queries: 19, elapsed time: 3.700 ms
- dibi 1.3-dev (revision 4235b35 released on 2009-10-06)